Arizona Battleground General Poll, Oct 2022 R2
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About this Survey

Survey Name

AZ 2022 Poll October 30th


This survey of likely voters was conducted using probability sampling techniques to collect a sample of 1,122 likely voters in AZ. Responses for this survey were recruited 10/26 - 10/30 by texting links to online surveys to stratified random samples of registered voters (Text-to-Web @ 70%) and by calling stratified random samples of registered voter landlines (IVR @ 30%). The survey has a margin of error of +/- 3.2 percentage points. Results are weighted.

Prepared by

Wick Insights

For further information on our 2022 methodology:

Predicting 2022 Series
Q3 2020 Vote
Thinking back to the 2020 presidential election, whom did you vote for? If you did not vote, please select that option.
Sample Size: 1,122
Q5 AZ Gov Ballot
If the November 2022 election for Arizona Governor were held today, for whom would you most likely cast your vote - Republican Kari Lake or Democrat Katie Hobbs? If you are still undecided on who to vote for, please select undecided.
Sample Size: 1,122
Q6 Lean Gov Ballot
If the election were held today and you had to choose, for whom would you vote for Governor?
Sample Size: 21
Q7 US Senate Ballot
If the November 2022 election for US Senate were held today, for whom would you most likely cast your vote - Republican Blake Masters or Democrat Mark Kelly? If you are still undecided on who to vote for, please select undecided.
Sample Size: 1,122
Q8 Lean US Senate Ballot
If the election were held today and you had to choose, for whom would you vote for US Senate?
Sample Size: 16
Q11 Issue
What issue is the most important when making your decision on who to vote for?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q12 Race
What is your Race?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q13 Political Party
Do you consider yourself to be a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or something else?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q15 Ideology
Based on the following options, what most closely aligns with your political ideology?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q16 Age
Which of the following is your age range?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q17 Gender
What is your gender?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q18 Education
What is the highest level of formal education you have completed?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q19 HH Income
Which of the following categories best describes your annual household income?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q21 Vaccination
Are you fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and if so, have you received a booster shot?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q22 Marital Status
What is your current marital status?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q23 Parent
Are you a parent or guardian?
Sample Size: 1,122
Q20 Urbanicity
How would you describe the area in which you live?
Sample Size: 1,122